Agape for Youth doesn’t stop at providing a suitable home for children in foster care. Our team believes in growing families who have the skills and resources to thrive.

Foster Care
Changing the World One Child at a Time
Children in foster care deserve families who are equipped to meet them where they’re at while encouraging them to reach their fullest potential. Foster families deserve support and guidance to grow their family well. Agape for Youth has a 32 year history of doing just that – providing the quality support needed to unite deserving children with loving, prepared parents.

2023 Stats
Children Reunified
Permanency Rate
Homes Licensed

Bridges Program
A need for support doesn’t end on an 18th birthday.
Ohio’s Bridges Program exists to provide housing and other support services to eligible young adults between the ages of 18-21.
Ways to Help

Your support matters. Join us in our mission to grow families well by making a donation today.

We can’t do this without you. Whether you are qualified to tutor youth or can offer support for one of our annual events, your time and talents are both needed and appreciated.

Why Our Work Matters
About Agape
for Youth
Agape has been serving families, youth, and each other with excellence for 32 years. Our team believes in the importance of not only finding suitable homes for foster children, but also growing families who are well prepared to reach their fullest potential.