Executive Director/Founder Announces Retirement

After 35 years of leadership, Stephen Geib has announced his retirement as Executive Director of Agape for Youth, Inc. (Agape) June 30th, 2025. Timothy McKinney, President of the Agape Board of Directors, states, “On behalf of the Agape Board, we salute Stephen Geib for his vision, commitment, dedication, and impeccable leadership over the past 35 years of Agape’s existence. These attributes have led this agency to great achievement in the Miami Valley region and across the great State of Ohio. The mission of this agency has led to wonderful success of

all programs that help foster children and the families we support. This community is better today because of Agape for Youth’s mission and direct impact on the lives of those we are entrusted to serve. Thank you, Steve, for fulfilling your lifetime dream. Best wishes to you Steve as you begin your next adventure”.

Over the past 35 years, Agape for Youth, Inc. under Steve’s leadership, has built a strong reputation in the community as a leader in quality therapeutic foster care. Since then, Agape has expanded its services to include family foster care, providing adoption home studies, preparation of families and children for adoption, and supportive services to adoptive families.

While there are countless career highlights, Steve’s greatest accomplishment is reflecting on how the dream of founding Agape would have never been realized without the love of his life, and co-partner at Agape, Sandie Geib. Together they built a culture of “Growing Families Together”. Through serving youth, families, young adults, and our community with excellence, this dream was realized.

Known as a mission- centered leader, Steve’s heart and dedication to his team, foster families, adoptive families, friends, and community supporters created a ripple impact in our community that will last many lifetimes.

The search for Steve’s replacement is being led by Tim McKinney, President of the Board of Directors, Agape for Youth Inc.: AgapeBoard@agapeforyouth.com