“Focus on the Rules” – Bruce Bridges – Featured in the November/December 2012 Newsletter

This month’s focus is Children’s Rights, and a foster parent’s obligation to adhere the standard set forth by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.  Many of the following “rights” seem like common sense, but in today’s ever more complicated and confusing society it never hurts to review.

Children’s Rights (the following apply to foster caregivers)

(A)       No agency, foster caregiver or residential facility or any employee of an agency or residential facility shall in any way violate any of the following rights of children:

(1)       The right to enjoy freedom of thought, conscience, and religion or to abstain from the practice of religion.

(2)       The right to reasonable enjoyment of privacy.

(3)       The right to have his or her opinions heard and be included, to the greatest extent possible, when any   decisions are being made affecting his life.

(4)       The right to receive appropriate and reasonable adult guidance, support, and supervision.

(5)       The right to be free from physical abuse and inhumane treatment.

(6)       The right to be protected from all forms of sexual exploitation.

(7)       The right to receive adequate and appropriate medical care.

(8)       The right to receive adequate and appropriate food, clothing, and housing.

(9)       The right to his own money and personal property in accordance with the child’s service or case plan.

(10)     The right to live in clean, safe surroundings.

(11)     The right to participate in an appropriate educational program.

(12)     The right to communicate with family, friends and “significant others” from whom he is living apart, in accordance with the child’s service or case plan.

(13)     The right to be taught to fulfill appropriate responsibilities to himself and to others.

Thanks for all you do.
